Τετάρτη 14 Μαΐου 2014

The Perception of Type 1 Diabetes versus Type 2 Diabetes

The Perception of Type 1 Diabetes versus Type 2 Diabetes

It is essentially the same disease in how it affects a person's body but they are completely
different in how they develop. In most news and media reports, diabetes is linked with
obesity and it is claimed that if more people lost weight or became more active the
number of people diagnosed would drop.

These reports can be upsetting to a diabetic with type 1 diabetes, it doesn't matter what
there body type is, was, or will be they will always have the disease. There may be some
animosity from type 1 diabetics towards type 2 diabetics but this would be misplaced -
the media is creating this by not telling the full story.

Yes, type 2 diabetes is intertwined with lifestyle choices and being overweight. This is
an epidemic that can be avoided. But not all people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are
considered obese or to be living an unhealthy lifestyle.

Another problem with the misconception about type 1 diabetics is that they make up a
very small amount of the people diagnosed with the disease (approximately 10% of all
diabetics are type 1). They are not getting as much attention in the news and reports
because it is not a growing concern like type 2 diabetes.

It is hard to be diabetic and read the news as it paints type 2 diabetics as people who
should just lose weight and they wouldn't have a problem. But it should be noted that
there are many people who are overweight and obese who do not have diabetes and the
opposite is true too - people who maintain a healthy body weight are being diagnosed
with type 2 diabetes.

It is important to remember that not all the information is being provided and that there
are many reasons and people who get this disease and they should not be judged because
of it.

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