Παρασκευή 23 Μαΐου 2014

Dealing with diabetes in children

When diabetes attacks kids

Contrary to popular belief the only older people suffer from chronic diseases such as diabetes, more and more kids are now are diagnosed with this illness all over the world. The type of diabetes that kids are prone with is the "type 1 diabetes." Also known as " juvenile diabetes," this type is diagnosed in almost 40 children everyday in the United States of America alone.

Type 1 diabetes can be considered as the rarest type compared to other diabetes types such as "type 2 diabetes" and "gestational diabetes" but now, more and more people-especially the younger ones suffer from it. Type 1 diabetes usually occurs person's body is stopped form producing enough insulin, which is a type of hormone that every human needs. In order to survive, people-especially kids-with this type of diabetes should have insulin injected in their bodies every single day in order to continue living.

With the help of modern technology, kids with type 1 diabetes can live a normal life because they have better options in terms of blood glucose testing and insulin administration which are just some of the common processes that diabetics undergo. To help kids cope up with their condition, more and more medical facilities now offer treatments that can help the child live an active, healthy, and a life filled with fun excitement just like other regular kids.

Dealing with diabetes in children

Parenting a child is enough challenge for a parent once he or she has decided to form a family. But when a child is diagnosed with a chronic illness such as diabetes, parenting and raising this child become more difficult, challenging and at times, frustrating. To help parents deal with their children when diabetes attacks them at such an early age, experts say that they should:

1. encourage and help the child to develop healthy eating habits. Once a child is diagnosed with diabetes, it makes his or her world smaller. There will be more restrictions especially in eating. These restrictions can lead to eating problems that will be harder to manage once they get older. So as early as now, parents must instill among their kids the importance of eating healthy and well-balanced food to avoid further diabetes complications. Parents must also make sure that the child follows the regular schedule in taking in snacks and eating meals. But if the child doesn't want to eat a certain type of food you're offering, don't force him or her. Instead, give the child a variety of healthy foods that he or she can choose from.

2. ensure to test blood glucose levels regularly. The ideal frequency of blood glucose testing is at least four times per day. If possible, the parents should monitor this themselves to ensure that if the child is coping up with the condition or not.

3. instill in the child the importance of regular exercise. To avoid being obese that can lead to more complications among kids with diabetes, parents must make exercise a part of the child's daily living. This exercise should not be so rigorous, it can be a simple walk, jog, or even helping out with household chores as long as there's enough movement for the day.

4. reassure the child of your love and support. There are kids with diabetes who think that having the chronic illness is their fault. Many of them also think that they have that condition because they did something bad or they are not just good enough for their parents. To erase these doubts in the child's mind, parents must always ensure their child that they will support him or her no matter and they will love the child no matter what.

Τρίτη 20 Μαΐου 2014

Understand Diabetes and Its Effective Natural Treatment

Understand Diabetes and Its Effective Natural Treatment

Diabetes occurs when the body does not produce insulin, a hormone that is needed to convert sugar, starches and other food into energy for daily life requirements. It is still a mystery the cause of diabetes although genetically and environmentally influence such as not enough exercise and obesity play a role.
To understand diabetes, it is good to learn something about pancreas, the long and thin situated behind our stomach. Pancreas is responsible for regulating the body's use of glucose. It has two main functions: firstly to produce pancreatic endocrine hormones which assist in regulating our metabolism and secondly to produce pancreatic digestive enzymes. 

When the blood glucose levels begin to rise, it is insulin's job to push muscle and fat cells to absorb whatever glucose they need for future activities whereas any surplus will store by the liver. 

There are some individuals either do not produce enough insulin (Type 1 diabetes) or their body resists whatever insulin is produced (Type 2 diabetes), thus an outside source production is necessary. Either way, the result is the same. 

Type 1 or also know as juvenile-onset diabetes, typically affects children and young adults and is genetically-linked. Type 2 which also known as adult-onset diabetes occurs in adults and is linked to obesity. 

Symptoms of both types include blurred vision, fatigue, frequent, bladder infections, increased appetite, increased thirst, increased urination, nausea, skin infections, vaginitis and vomiting. If not treated, diabetes type 1 and 2, can cause blood vessel damage, gangrene, heart attack, kidney damage, nerve damage, stork and vision problems.
How Glucosium Can Help: Glucosium is a popular diabetes treatment of natural ingredients which can help control blood sugar, stimulate your body's insulin production, limit nerve damage and much more. 

This revolutionary supplement has shown amazing benefits for people with diabetes, as well as preventative properties for those who are exposed to a higher risk for diabetes. 

Last advice: do exercise, eat right and supplement your body with the proper nutrients that help your body to produce the insulin it was supposed to have.

Σάββατο 17 Μαΐου 2014

The Effects of Smoking with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes

The Effects of Smoking with Type 1 or Type 2 Diabetes 

Smoking on its own is associated with many different diseases and can be a risk factorfor multiple types of cancer. But in a person with diabetes or a pre-diabetic there are specific risks that arise. 
smoking photo: smoking Smoking.jpg
There are some differences between type 1 and type 2 diabetes and smoking hazards. In type 1 diabetes, smoking is not a risk factor for being diagnoses because people with this type of diabetes were born with the genetic make-up to get the disease. 

But smoking can exacerbate the complications associated with poorly controlled diabetes. An increased risk of heart disease and cardiovascular problems is found in diabetic smokers. 

 smokers photo: SMOKERS TIFFANY2.jpg 
In type 1 diabetics who smoke the risk for kidney disease or kidney failure is increased.
In pre-diabetics or people who may be at higher risk to develop type 2 diabetes smoking is a contributing factor to a diagnosis.

 Smoking increases the likelihood that their body will develop an insulin resistance and need insulin injections or medication in the future. There are not many studies that have been conducted on the benefits of quitting smoking if you are a diabetic.

 But it does stand to reason that because smoking and diabetes both increase the chances of heart disease that by quitting smoking you will improve your health and the state of your diabetes. If you are having trouble quitting on your own or want more information on the benefits of stopping, make an appointment with your doctor. 

There are many aids that are available as well as support your can utilize to help you in the process. There are nicotine patches and gum or you can try medication or hypnosis. It is a hard thing to do but you will reap many rewards both financially and in terms of your overall health and life expectancy.

Τετάρτη 14 Μαΐου 2014

The Perception of Type 1 Diabetes versus Type 2 Diabetes

The Perception of Type 1 Diabetes versus Type 2 Diabetes

It is essentially the same disease in how it affects a person's body but they are completely
different in how they develop. In most news and media reports, diabetes is linked with
obesity and it is claimed that if more people lost weight or became more active the
number of people diagnosed would drop.

These reports can be upsetting to a diabetic with type 1 diabetes, it doesn't matter what
there body type is, was, or will be they will always have the disease. There may be some
animosity from type 1 diabetics towards type 2 diabetics but this would be misplaced -
the media is creating this by not telling the full story.

Yes, type 2 diabetes is intertwined with lifestyle choices and being overweight. This is
an epidemic that can be avoided. But not all people diagnosed with type 2 diabetes are
considered obese or to be living an unhealthy lifestyle.

Another problem with the misconception about type 1 diabetics is that they make up a
very small amount of the people diagnosed with the disease (approximately 10% of all
diabetics are type 1). They are not getting as much attention in the news and reports
because it is not a growing concern like type 2 diabetes.

It is hard to be diabetic and read the news as it paints type 2 diabetics as people who
should just lose weight and they wouldn't have a problem. But it should be noted that
there are many people who are overweight and obese who do not have diabetes and the
opposite is true too - people who maintain a healthy body weight are being diagnosed
with type 2 diabetes.

It is important to remember that not all the information is being provided and that there
are many reasons and people who get this disease and they should not be judged because
of it.